
Motivation Letter

To Susan Quinn - Director of SEAD - Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance

Coming from an environment where research and experimentalism in contemporary dance are much valued and used to create; and with it already had the experience of choreograph and direct my own piece, worked in two dance companies, next to good choreographers; I came to Europe to present the audition of Folkwang Hochschule in Essen- traditional German school of modern dance.
What I found at that school was the environment conducive to a great refinement in that what concerns to technique of Ballet, to take technical clarity and precision in modern dance and the opportunity to improve and add value to my own way to move that needed to be worked and experienced with more specificity looking for quality and cleanliness.

After having started the experience of being a student of a very traditional school, that sometimes is very restricted, and allowing me to be part of this universe, but without stop to look for my wishes as an artist who think about dance and use it to question the world around, I began to miss having more space, stimulation and place for growing my ideas. A place where I can really experience freedom with the knowledge I receive at classes towards choreographic creation and/or performing arts that are, finally, my objects of study as artist.
Learn how to use my body in a healthy way, make it increasingly able to work with movement, using tools and other channels of perception and management of the body to then manipulate other bodies according to this knowledge with some conceptual and theoretical basement, and bring together my personal questions, experiences and memory towards an even more interesting improvement of my way of think and make art.

Take position, assume the condition and the choice to be an artist in a place where I should be treated as such; That makes me missing and drives me to search for a new place to exercise these capabilities.

Last March I spend my Vacations in Salzburg and I could see from really close that the academic environment that can be seen in SEAD is the kind of environment I have tried: Lessons in healthy approaches and new techniques, with great character of experimentalism, young teachers, also entered in the European art field, which provides an exchange of great value to students who receive their lessons, and keep updated the knowledge that circulates within the school, in the meaning of trends, procedures and approaches. Good communication between students and the direction of the school, which makes much difference in the quality of education is received and what they can expect from the institution where they belongs. Offer of space for research work in art and language, without pressure in the frame of style or aesthetics.
All these aspects of what I could see in the few days that I was following the routine of school, added to my desire to put me back in a place where I can exercise my creative potential and go ahead with the poetic proposals that I would to develop, motivates me to apply to this audition at SEAD.

For me it would be of great value to make use of the responsibility I have on my artistic career and I try to insert me in a context where the things I believe are so appreciated for those who educate me as I appreciate. And that, I believe to be the great attraction that the school has to offer: The credibility deposited on ideas and values that are very important to me.

Douglas Jung